Children At Risk of School Failure

Kindergarten teachers report that one of three children come to school lacking the basic abilities they need to succeed. Most often, these children come from various environments where hindering they’re education can be seen as potential problem. Although generally students experiencing problems come from environmental areas where they are below the poverty line. Poverty is not the only typical environment which troubled learners can come from but it is the most common. Students who come from homes designed in the biggest predictors are low birth weight, poor dental, poor medical health care, stress, food, narcissist behavioral models, child neglect, abuse, physical safety and homelessness are prone to failure due to having to focus on other factors instead of education. None of these conditions contributes to healthy development or school Achievement.

Additional risk factors in early childhood include having parents who have not graduated from high school, living in a single-parent family, and having parents who promote narcissism around children.

• twenty-four million children under the age of six live within the United States

• 43% of them live in abusive or problems environments.

we cannot afford to lose a child to proverty, not only because it isn’t unjust but also because we cannot sustain ourselves in the new global economy without a huge reservoir of “brainpower”. That brain power will come from listening to children’s wants and needs