Avoid spoiling your kids

Spoiling in early childhood tends to create characteristic reactions that persist, fixed, turn into narcissism in there later life. Parents especially newer ones love to spoil there little bundle of joy. Although when can you or anybody else make the call that your child is being spoiled rotten? Alfred Adler (1870–1937) believed that “only children” were likely to experience a variety of problems from their financial or social situations. Adler was an Austrian medical doctor, psychotherapist, and founder of the school of individual psychology, he later continued his career by exploring and giving emphasis on the importance of feelings of inferiority which lead Aldee to his theory that because only children have no rivals for their parents’ affection, they will become pampered and spoiled, particularly by their mother. He suggested that this could later cause interpersonal difficulties if the person is not universally liked and admired. The child will grow to expect the same treatment from peers and family members if spoiled in early childhood but how do we combat this behavior?

Lucky for us, The Coinage video offers some fabulous tips on how to prevent early childhood spoiling. offers some tips on how to prevent yourself from raising spoiled children, as well as teaching them how to be conscious of their finances.

You can watch the coinage video online:



Journal of Educational psychology

Based on these data, the study team categorized victimization into five types based on when it began and ended and how intensive it was. Some kids were never or rarely bullied, some were victimized in their early school years but not in later years, while another group was increasingly victimized in later years.

In Kindergarten, 21 percent of children experienced “severe” victimization and another 38 percent experienced a moderate level of bullying. These proportions declined steadily over the years until the final year of high school, when less than 1 percent were severely victimized and just under 11 percent were moderately bullied.

However, across the years, 24 percent of kids fell into the researchers’ category of “high-chronic” victimization. And these were also the ones most likely to have low school engagement, academic self-perception and academic achievement, particularly in math, the study team found.

“Some pockets of children remain bullied across their school careers.”

Advanced learning for early childhood education

What about all the other subjects such as psychology, science, algebra, etc for early learning education? All of these curriculums are missing from our early childhood educational systems. Of course early childhood won’t be able to process all the scientific information and research developed by qualified professionals although that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be exposed to all the other career based opportunities that life has to offer.

Advanced learning structures for early childhood learners will develop them toward there career of interest. Child leadership skills allows for early childhood to work together supporting each other’s adventure into learning all the different career based learning intrgrated into professional developmental activities. Early learners should take the time to have fun while learning, this is why our program is revolutionary! Advanced learning for early childhood education means children are giving the opportunity to explore and mentally develop themselves for there career of interest. High school students hate when you ask them, What do you want to be when you grow up? Well even by this point in a young American adults lifespan, they typically don’t know what they want to do as far as a career is concerned. With achieve the early dream program, this program is going to teach children how to have fun “working” within there elements with the relationships they have developed by sharing common interest with peers.

What you should know about child abuse…

A few things I learned about American child abuse the other day drove me to write about, “what could possibly drive a individual to want to abuse a child?” Some believe there are those who that want to feel dominant over something powerless or has a sick obsession with harming people.

Psychologically, people might be raised to abuse. In Hollywood movies you always see the absurdity scenario of your “classic” abusive family. Although we all know Hollywood is based off fantasy storyline to keep our attention on the program, but how much of what they are saying is actually happening? Child abuse is the 3rd cause of death in American children under the age of 4, with a phone call report being made every 10 seconds by secondary parties. [San Diegon] Once someone outside of the situation sees there is a problem, what goes through the parents minds? A thousand words per second could be flowing in and out of that adults mind but depends upon how they were raised will be normally how they handle the situation…

Something people don’t normally stop to think about is “how was I raised” no one ever wants to be told how there upbringing was wrong, they aren’t raised wrong. Yet at the risk of contradicting myself, I want to ask the question, “when can we identify our upbringing as wrong?”

Everyone on this planet has a different kinda idea of what needs to happen in there life to make them feel special or a How we were raised and experiences typically leads us to our frame of mind. Yet the results are what defines us, when a child is involved you have to stop and think about how your actions could negatively affect those around you, physically and mentally. Parenthood is not a joke, you never know how much your projecting into your children till they grow older and you begin to see traits of yourself within there personality. Those just entering parenthood will always say “I won’t have my child grow up that way” or “my child will have a better life than I had growing up”, but what morals are you enforcing that will develop them into your sense of what is socially acceptable?