No Parent should have to hear there child has cancer

When you walk into a doctors office and knowingly have to hear the words “your child has cancer.” Typically parents don’t know where there minds travel. You never expect to hear those words. The pain and depression that comes with those couple words.

When you hear the words “your child has cancer”, what exactly do you want for them in there possible couple next days? Professional Development for children with special needs addresses the matter. MediCare Professionals Training In Mental Development LLC has developed a program teaching methods which teaches child life providers how to give children with specialized needs such as cancer a way to leave an impact on this earth. A way for family members to feel that there child never left. By activitly engaging in professional development activities, children with special needs can help make and support the community toward creating a version which expresses the child. The purpose MediCare Professionals is studying, will our curriculum activity reduce depression & the weight of cancer on the mind of children.

We are currently in development with our research.

Hands, foot and Mouth Disease Cures and treatment for children

After our last article on the growing  Disease of “hands, foot and mouth disease”, our facility has been making phone calls and making connections to doctors and mental health professionals in the hopes of learning more about this disease. Our child life and care center has not been Stuck by this disease yet making our center unable to connect to our clients concerns. After many hours of research and input from local community members we have developed a chart in which you can combat the disease. Hopefully, this article will make your family members healthy and strong again for our hearts hurt when our family-clients hurt.

Hands, foot, and mouth disease is caused by a virus called “Coxsackie” (germ) which generally affects children under the age of 10 years of age. Although a variety of age groups can catch the disease if not careful. Children who catch hands, foot and mouth disease generally develop systoms of high fever, then red spots, with painful blisters in the middle. Commonly confused for chicken pox, parents will seek help for the wrong disease. HFMD is not the same for either adults or children. Since this article is currently about children, MediCare Professionals Training In Mental Development LLC will provided you the tools necessary to treat the problem due to the outbreak.

HFMD was commonly found in local schools within Washington DC, where we believe the disease has been making contact with children and family memeber across the country. Yet lucky for you, MediCare Professionals is going to provide you the knowledge you need to treating your loved ones with cure.

• when your loved one is in pain due to the fever, try not to give them aspirin. Aspirin given to younger children could result in a disease called “Reye’s Syndrone”, making your child twice as sick as before.

• feed soft foods, instead of spicy, salty or trat. Spicy, salty or trat food groups usually cause more pain in your child’s mouth causing them to be in more pain and make the disease worst. Try and make the experience easiest as possible to create less stress on yourself. MediCare Professionals recommends using mashed potatoes or milkshakes to feed your child.

• Providing relief to the pain by numbing gel products usually found in your local stores like Safeway or wal-greens. If you have a caregiver in the home, ask about antacid solution to help your child’s sore feel better within a matter of days!

How to make a pilgrims ship: thanksgiving craft ideas for early childhood

How to make a pilgrims model ship:

1. Cut the bottom of a paper or plastic cup. Cut two slices with your scissors into the cup then place the cup, bottom side up, into the center of the cup holder.

2. Cut 2 rectangles per boat to make the sails. Cut two small holes in the cup then place the sticks in the holes, so your sails can stand up straight.

3. Once you have a blank ship, standing strong, then it’s time to decorate the ship with whatever the student wants!

Easy 1-2-3 craft projects for early learners child development process.

Child dying from unknown virus in Seattle Washington

My heart goes out to the mother, Jose Ramirez; of Seattle Washington whose son Daniel is right now fighting a unknown virus that has affected his brain and spinal cord. The mother is currently raising money for her son condition to pay for his treatment using a gofundme account. Ms. Ramirez doesn’t know where her son will live or die but she is doing everything in her power to make sure young Daniel has a chance at the future. On MediCare Professionals Training In Mental Development LLC business Facebook page you will find the link to Daniels gofundme page. Please try and help give this child a second chance at life.

MediCare Professionals Training In Mental Development LLC works to provide children like Daniel support and care while allowing young adults the specialized training ability they’ll need to be successful child life specialists.  Assisting children with special needs is the sole purpose of our family owned organization. Mental disabilities or diseases are not commonly looked at as threats to our children or seniors. MCP plans to change that matter, the dream is to work with all children who are suffering by allowing students a rewarding experience in the world of mental health. MediCare Professionals has designed a mental health professional development program in which students of various ages groups design and develop learning strategies and skills with children of special needs while specialist provide care. The perfect combination of education and health served on a plater! The program was designed to allow students in local schools the ability to gain awareness and knowledge about those suffering from mental health diseases and disabilities while promoting engagement with the special needs children. This program was meant to benefit our educational professionals, students, nationalized organizations and children in need of child life development. The opportunity toward realizing mental health isn’t just a matter of personality disorders. That the field needs more child life specialist in the community driving to protect the soul, mind and body of a child with special needs.

Please check out MediCare Professionals Training In Mental Development LLC page to find Daniels gofundme account and donate toward his treatment. Thank you.

How to get pregnant

Have you ever sat down and thought about how, when and why your getting pregnant?

Medicare professionals training in mental development LLC has developed a research method in which we can relate to our consumers and gain feedback on child development, mental development and health education. One mother, Sheiley Thomas wanted to know “how and when is the best time to get pregnant” well we have the answer!

The biggest secret, knowing when you ovulate (release eggs from your ovary)  every month a woman tends to have a menstrual cycle which is the best time to try and conceive a baby.

Other great tips is…

• give sperm a boost

•find a healthcare provider or professional


• exploring new realm of sexual experiences with your partner